Part 82: 11/05/09 - 11/06/09

So, uh, last night was pretty intense. "Tired" is something of an understatement, really.

> You wonder if Mitsuru is alright...
> You wonder what else the future holds...

Listening: About the Student Council President? I heard her dad passed away from his illness... I bet it's tough to live without your parents...
Gossiping: Yeah, I know... I think I'll help my mom cook dinner when I go back home...
It's been at most 9 hours since then. How do these random girls know that Takeharu is dead...? Mitsuru obviously would've informed other people within the group and all but they'd also be informed that Ikutsuki was crazy and also dead.

Good to see that the more things change, Akihiko sure has the same one-track mind.

As everyone else gets ready to leave, Fuuka still has a bit left to say.

As a bit of an unexpected bonus, we get to go and do stuff tonight. There's not much we CAN do though, of course.

Akihiko clearly does! But, yeah, we don't even have a reason to do that since we already cleared it out.

Newscaster: As a result of his death, an emergency meeting has been called...

Since we don't have much to do right now, and things have been very heavy as of late, we could do with some refreshing Jamaican flavor.
Gonna buy 20 cans of this stuff, so that we definitely have enough for everyone.

There might not be any music here, but there is the ambient noise of fire and panicked screaming. Whew boy.

...Isn't that a contradiction? They're attempting to come together on their own, so we should... leave them alone, so they can come together on their own? But that's a bad thing, by Eiichiro's own admission, so surely we should try to prevent that, somehow. You can tell that there's something missing because this definitely doesn't flow as-is.
Granted this might just be me, because from what I can gather no one else thinks this is an issue, so...

I know one thing for sure now...

While Yukari is watching that and finding new resolve, we're dreaming we are dreaming...

So, we're slowly beginning a return to normalcy about now...

Chidori shakes her head.

So, anyway, we'll be spending today running around all over town doing random shit because why not. There's this girl chilling out here at the Port Station who wants some Cielo Mist, apparently. We have some, so we can give her a drink, sure.

...Except, whoops, she's apparently pretty thirsty so she takes all of our inventory!

At least we've done something nice for someone. Also she's kinda missing or something, but that can only be resolved by delivering cool, liquid refreshment.

For the next thing we're doing, we need to have this from Elizabeth. Hope you've been doing Gold Shadow requests!

There's a bathroom upstairs at the Port Station that's really easy to miss and even easier to never care about.

Cleaning Lady: Ohh, okay! So you're here to help out, huh?

Cleaning Lady: Well, all right then! Why don'tcha start from the other corner?
> You decided to help the cleaning lady.
> ...
> One tile just won't get clean...
> ...

> ...
> You gave it all your strength, and the grime is beginning to lift!
> ...
> The tile is completely clean!

I very highly recommend NOT eating off a public bathroom floor, regardless of how clean it looks.
Cleaning Lady: Do you help clean the school bathrooms after lunch or something? You really know your stuff! Thanks, kid! Just leave the rest of it to me!

Since we reached level 56, we can make Alice. She IS a special fusion, but we need Pixie, Narcissus, Lilim and Nata Taishi to make her instead of the usual Belial and Nebiros. Since we need Megido for Elizabeth's request, we need to find a way to transfer that along; you can use Decarabia for it easiest at this point since he starts with it. Thoth, Mothman etc. are also super viable but I think they're less relevant since they might not have Megido and also don't give a nice chain that also includes Mudo Boost.
Die For Me! is Alice's unique spell (like usual) and is to Mudo what Samsara was to Hama. Much like with Daisoujou, she DOES learn Mudo Boost naturally, but it's at level 62 so that takes some doing. She doesn't have Growth 3 and doesn't really like inheriting it either. Notable is that unlike Daisoujou, she does not remove her Expel weakness; instead she learns... Repel Dark. I can use that and all, but jeez.

Well, well, lookit what we have here. Haven't seen this in a while...

Let's be honest, we kinda need something that's as dumb, good fun as this. Elizabeth being Elizabeth is wonderful.

Vendor: Oh... yes?
> Elizabeth seems to be requesting something unreasonable...

> Elizabeth seems to have bought bread.

> You headed to your homeroom with Elizabeth.

I really wonder what this looks like to everyone else right now. It seems very likely that Elizabeth is only visible whenever she actively does something... Elizabeth to act out and draw attention. Otherwise, no one pays her any attention which is rather curious.

> You decided to walk around the school with Elizabeth.

Just a super-quick whistlestop tour around parts of the school, montage style now. The art room's one we wouldn't get to see otherwise...

Same with the music room here.

We've seen the track a couple times before, though Elizabeth decides to give it a bit of a test anyway.

....And then goes for the high jump, but she just clips through the poles because she's not all that corporeal. Huh.

> You headed back to the Velvet Room with Elizabeth.

Aww yeah, Hell's Angel! He's completely new to FES, as a level 60 Hanged Man. He's very, very focused but his stats for his level are sorta disapointing (he has exceptionally bad Luck, for one thing). He does learn a pair of useful skills at level 64 and 66 at least, so he'll likely be around a bit.

Lilith is pretty useful, honestly. She's a level 61 Devil and can only be made via a specific Cross-Fusion. She learns some useful skills and an especially handy passive... at level 67. Welp.

...And, of course, Elizabeth asks for something that's a bit more annoying this time around. See, the earliest level you can get anything with Mabufudyne is 64. Yeah, that's gonna take some doing.

Whew boy. Okay, so, remember that optional recording we saw of Yukari wearing a maid's outfit? Yeah. This gives her that as a costume in Tartarus. It has 90 defense, so it's thoroughly Okay as armor.
I'll stick with the summer casual clothing for now, thanks.

Oh goodie. A maid outfit, but for Aigis.
I'll just stick with her current stuff instead if you don't mind.

Anyway, since we cleaned that bathroom we can now go back to school real quick and water some flowers.

They're up on the roof, and are hard to see here. This random kid is in the way, but since we can see the one over the left we know they're here.
> The flowers don't seem to have been watered for a while.
> You watered the flowers.

> They should be fine for now.
This seems like its implying that we need to come back later, sure, but we actually don't! We're already done with this.

Well, I guess we needed a third one for good measure. This one, naturally, is for Mitsuru.
The boys equivalents, Butler outfits, can just be bought from the police station and have been available for a long while. Even Koromaru gets one!
Anyway, we're done with these for now. The rest available require being further along chronologically to complete.

So, it turns out we've only got 6 links still currently available that aren't complete. It's 7 if you include The Fool but that's plot, so don't. We're still conspicuously missing The Empress though...
Anyway, Bebe gets today because no one else in school is available. Winner by default! I'm sure he's happy with that.

> You helped Bebe work on the kimono.

> Bebe seems very grateful.
> Your relationship is stronger now!

Dang, Bebe has worker's cramp. That sucks.

> You worked with Bebe for a long time, and then decided to go back to the dorm.
We'll probably see Bebe again relatively soon. We're running a lot lower on in-school links than you'd think, and the out of school ones have much more free and generous scheduling, which is why we're not really prioritising them just yet.
Plus, Bebe's link is pretty simple but really good and effective. Anyone who claims to dislike Bebe is either a liar or a charlatan.

...And then tonight Elizabeth gives us a call, to let us now the barrier in Tartarus is gone. Except there wasn't a barrier. Uhh, we really should go see what that's about!

But, well, it's probably a better idea to wait for when Mitsuru's back and free before we go to Tartarus.

But, what would you do if your dad is not your dad...?

Newscaster: Everyone is disappointed, after the announcement said it would begin to diminish around the 20th...

So, Junpei's up on the second floor here. This dialogue he has here is completely new to FES. Yeah, I dunno.

Well, we COULD be a dick to Junpei but let's be honest here. He gets shit on by everything else enough already; he could do with some cheering up every now and then.
There's not much else we can do tonight, of course. We COULD Tartarus, apparently, but I'll just wait for Mitsuru to come back first.